
Bun Venit Alaturi de Noi/ Welcome Among Us!

[ro] In Asociatia Jeep Club Romania ne-am strans pasionati, proprietari si fani, ai autovehiculelor de teren marca Jeep® din Romania.

[eng] In Jeep Club Romania Association (NGO) we gather  Jeep® enthusiast, owners and fans from all over Romania.

[ro] Principalul nostru obiectiv este continuarea si promovarea in Romania a spiritului ce insoteste pretutindeni brandul Jeep®.

[eng] Our main purpose is to continue and promote in Romania the spirit which encompasses everywhere Jeep® brand.

[ro] Punem in aplicare acest obiectiv prin facilitarea comunicarii intre pasionatii brandului Jeep® prin toate caile posibile.

[eng] We facilitate the communication among our Jeep® enthusiast by any means possible.

[ro] Desigur ca preferam sa ne intalnim in teren cu Jeepul® din dotare! Dar, ne gasesti si aici in mediul virtual, pe pagina noastra de FaceBook si de asemenea pe Forumul Asociatiei Jeep Club Romania. Prin toate aceste canale de comunicare iti suntem alaturi si, in principal, ne dorim:

[eng] Of course Out There is the best way to meet with our Jeep®! But, you can find us also here in the virtual world, on our Facebook page and also on our Forum. Using all these communication channels we wish to:

  • [ro] sa punem laolalta si sa impartasim cunostintele si parerile noastre privind ceea ce tine de marca Jeep®, dobandite de membrii nostri, astfel incat orice experienta legata de Jeep® sa iti fie folositoare (Jeep® Forum);
  • [eng] gather and share all the knowledge and opinions regarding Jeep® brand received from our members; any such experience regarding Jeep® shall be usefull for anyone which is registered on our Jeep® forum;
  • [ro] sa organizam periodic intalniri off-road la nivel local, national si international in care sa fie deprinse tehnicile de conducere in teren accidentat de catre posesorii de Jeep® din Romania (Jeep® Academy);
  • [eng] to organise off-road/overland events at local, national and international levels where each of you may learn first how to increase trust in you and in your own Jeep® and of course to get together people with similar passion (Jeep® Academy)
  • [ro] sa te aducem mai aproape de frumusetile naturale si culturale ale Romaniei prin organizarea de evenimente specifice (Jeep® Camp, Jeep® Escapes, etc.).
  • [eng] to bring you closer to Romanian’s natural beauty, traditions and culture by organizing specific events (Jeep® Camp, Jeep® Escapes, etc.).

[ro] La toate cele de mai sus se adauga deja proverbialul “It’s A Jeep® Thing! (IJT)” pe care iti lasam placerea singur sa-l descoperi inainte de a-l … traduce.

[eng] Dear Ladies and Gents “It’s a Jeep® Thing!” after all and we do like to let you also taste and discover  yourself together with us before such Thing  … to be translated into any other language!

[ro] Tine cont ca aceasta pagina va fi mereu in constructie cu ajutorul direct al tau! Iti multumim pentru sugestii!

[eng] Please mind that this web page will be under permanent construction of course with your direct support! We do appreciate any suggestion!

[ro] Nu ezita si scrie-ne cateva randuri: Send Mail sau contacteaza-ne direct pe pagina noastra de Facebook , respectiv pe Grupul nostru de discutii de pe Facebook

[eng] Therefore, please do not hesitate and write us some of your thoughts:  Send Mail or contact us directly on our  Facebook page, or register with our Facebook Jeep Discussion Forum 

Marca Jeep® este proprietatea Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) US LLC.

Jeep® is a registered trademark of registered trademarks of FCA US LLC.